Covid-19 Precautions
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot of things.
In addition to the current infection control procedures we have always followed to help protect our patients and staff, you may see some changes next time you visit us for your appointment.
And some things you may not see, but are there to help protect all of us.
Here’s what you can expect at your next appointment.
Before Your Appointment
To help make sure that patients arriving for their appointments are healthy, we may call you before your appointment and ask you some questions about your current health. We may also repeat these questions when you arrive to make sure nothing has changed.
Our office staff may also ask that you limit the number of people you bring to the appointment. That could mean leaving your children at home or allowing older children to go into the office alone while the parent waits outside during their appointment.
At Your Appointment
Please wear a mask to your appointment! When you arrive at the office, we may ask you to wait outside or in your car until we are ready for you. This will reduce the number of people in the office and the amount of time you’re close to other people. When you enter the office, you may have your temperature taken.
Inside the office, you may notice things people often touch in the waiting room – like toys or magazines – have been removed. Hand sanitizer will be available for you to use and we also wipe down items you touch, such as pens, clipboards or furniture.
When you’re in the dental chair, you may notice some things look different from the last time you were there. We may be using different protective equipment than what you've seend at previous appointments. This could include different masks, face shields, gowns and goggles. These additional precautions help protect both you and us.
After Your Appointment
If you start feeling ill with the symptoms of COVID-19 within two days of your appointment, call the dental office. You may have already been carrying the virus at the time of your appointment, so anyone who came into contact with you during that time could be at risk for getting sick too.
Precautions We Take That You May Not See
We are happy to announce that we use the iWave HVAC filtration system.
iWave is an air purifying device that has been installed in our duct air conditioning system. When air passes over the iWave, ions produced by the device reduce pathogens, allergens, particles, smoke and odors in the air, creating a healthy environment without producing any harmful byproducts.
iWave uses a patented technology, called needle-point bi-polar ionization, to create equal amounts of positive and negative ions. When these ions are injected into the air stream, they break down passing pollutants and gases into harmless compounds like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water vapor (see illustration below).
Studies have shown that iWave reduces the amount of coronvirus in the air...
Remember, regular dental visits are an essential part of your overall heath. We want to make sure your visit is as safe as possible for everyone involved.